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The Clipper Direct program will end on December 31, 2023. The deadline for orders to be submitted for the last month of service, December 2023, is November 14. Employers should move their transit benefits program to another provider prior to any deadline for that provider. Deadlines for the benefit month are often three weeks to a month prior, and employers will need time to set up a new account and enroll employees. A list of providers that includes all the types of benefits offered can be found here. Employees should reach out to their employer and benefits staff to confirm whether their transit benefits have been moved to another provider. Transit benefits through a new provider can still be delivered to Clipper cards.
Want to do something good for you and your employees? Then Clipper Direct is the program for you!
Clipper Direct helps your employees save by allowing them to use pre-tax dollars to add transit passes and fares directly to a Clipper card.** Your employees won't have to wait for a voucher, a pass or tickets to arrive in the mail or be distributed by you.
When employees contribute pre-tax dollars to an employee transit benefit account, those pre-tax dollars are not subject to employer matching FICA and Medicare, which means employers can reduce their payroll taxes by as much as $25.50 per month for each employee.
*Save up to 40% on pre-tax dollars used for public transit. **Employees can also choose to have post-tax dollars deducted from their paycheck and applied to their Clipper card at their employer's discretion.
Clipper Direct is an employee transit benefit program offered exclusively by Clipper and is a great way to enhance your benefits package without increasing overall compensation costs. The cost of providing transit benefits can be deducted as a business expense for the purpose of calculating corporate income taxes. Clipper Direct makes it easy for employers of all sizes to offer their employees a transit benefit program —administrative tasks are all done online, and fares, tickets and passes are loaded directly onto each employee's Clipper card.
To learn more about Clipper Direct or to request a proposal, contact a member of our sales team.
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